Friday, May 30, 2008

Reflecting & Catching the Cleaning Bug

It is incredible when I reflect back to just a year ago when Noah was 1st learning to talk. How did that babbling toddler turn into a BIG boy who talks to everyone, asks a zillion questions a day, has countless books memorized and rather read them to me than have me read to him. So sweet. A year ago Noah started walking (last May) at almost 16 months old and today at 27 months he RUNS RUNS RUNS and JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS almost every minute he is awake. What an incredible process watching him grow up has been for me. He is so sensitive and helpful.

Today he actually really helped me clean not just clean up his toys. Sweeping, vacuuming, etc. He actually has his own daily "chores" putting his "babies & blankets away" I like to think of it as making his crib (which will someday translate to making his bed) feeding Addison, putting his shoes away (and Mommy's too sometimes) putting his dirty clothes in the hamper and his dishes in the sink. I wasn't so sure what my topic was when I decided to write today. Maybe like Mommy like son....Those who know me well know I clean not because I like to clean but I like a clean house. Seems like Noah has caught the cleaning bug!