Sunday, September 9, 2007

Preach it!!

We have been so blessed to have been part of an awesome parenting class/series. The 1st class was a 6 week class facilitated by a couple from our church that we took prior to Noah's arrival. Currently we are taken another 18 week class in the same series called Growing Kids Gods Way.( for more info). What I love is learning tools and basic principles that help us train Noah's heart.

Noah has learned to "recite" (more like complete) some scriptures and biblicial principles. Such as Love is not "rude", Be courteous to all "men" & God says "obey" right away all the way with a "happy heart". I know that writing these truths on his little heart now will prove to be invaluable as he continues to grow-up. As with anything we do in the areas of discipline, teaching and training Noah ultimately it is his heart we are after. Our prayer that one day he will come to decide that his heart was created to follow God.