Thursday, August 2, 2007

He's a reader

Of course, I can read and do read. Although reading has never been a favorite pass time of mine. I'll flip through any magazine and I can be disciplined to keep up my reading when I am doing a bible study or for our parenting class, but a novel or other book just for fun has never been my thing. I have read to Noah consistently and frequently since he was born, 1-2 books before a nap, books before bedtime and several other times throughout the day. I want Noah to enjoy reading and books (much more than I do). It seems as if the amount of reading and repeating some books that we have done are starting to "pay off". Noah has several favorite books that he can either recite parts of or at least "fill-in" a word when I pause. He can also finish many sentences in some of his "most" favorites like "Barnyard Dance" & "Hop on Pop" and seems to have "God Gave us You" (a book we have read to Noah every night since he was born) somewhat memorized almost as well as Phillip and I do.
It is amazing in just the past few days how much we are seeing more of what he has soaked up the last 17 months!
What a blessing each day is!