Tuesday, July 31, 2007

He's a Looker!

Since Noah was born we have often been told how beautiful he is. Of course as his mother I have always seen him as a beautiful baby. Doesn't every mom think that of her children? Almost 6 months a ago I decided to send some pictures of Noah to some Model/Talent Agencies (just for fun & "just to see"). Well about a month a ago we received a letter from an agency in Atlanta stating that they were interested in meeting Noah in person. Well I brought Noah for his "Evaluation", a big production for a short 15 minute meeting with one of the agents. A week later we received another letter from the agency stating that they would be excited to represent Noah as his talent/model agent. His talents being smiling and blowing kisses. We have decided to move forward and participate in their Parent Business Class. Who knows? Maybe a college fund, maybe nothing. Either way to me he is beautiful.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Eat more Chicken

As shared before Noah's certainly enjoys eating, so when we were invited to Brianna's B-Day party at Chik-Fil-A (a family favorite) we graciously accepted the invitation.

A comment from Mom

For those keeping up with Noah's Blog.... Phillip and I are learning the in's and out's of posting the videos so "things" got a little out of order. And for me, the linear thinker I felt it necessary to explain. There are 2 videos of Noah playing with his shape sorter. They are worth watching in any order you choose. So enjoy!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

As he sleeps...

Noah is marathon napping this afternoon as I just checked on him and he is still snoozing. He woke last night fussing and crying around midnight. To most moms that is not unusual, but for me it is unfamiliar territory. Noah has slept through the night since he was 8 weeks old and I can only recall two other times over the past 17 months that he woke up in the middle of the night crying, for this I am truly grateful. But, last night as my husband and mom (who was visiting slept)I entered my crying child's room unsure of what to do. Seems silly, but true. As I held him and rocked him I felt my sweet baby melt right into my chest and I watched him as he drifted back to sleep. I treasured those sweet moments last night as Noah normally is not the cuddling type.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Favorite Things

Noah is fairly easy going and always seems happy. I believe God truly blessed me with what He knows I can handle. He is certainly 1 of my favorite "things"
Here are just a few of Noah's favorite things : He loves choo choo trains and it seems that he can spot them and hear them better than anyone. He also loves to read and I love watching him hold his books, turn the pages and REALLY read! Another favorite is "The Slide" any slide at any playground, anywhere, Noah can climb the ladder and slide down over and over again, never getting bored or tired. Another favorite is finding my brush and comb and fixing his curls in front of the mirror. But Noah's all time favorite is LUNCH. Noah has never been a picky eater and he never misses a meal. He loves his momma's cooking. Some favorite foods these days are strawberries, bananas, blueberry oatmeal and most anything with cheese in or on it.

Friday, July 20, 2007

shape box part 1

ABC's & 123's

Yesterday for the 1st time Noah counted to 3. Noah pronounces it more like One, twooooo, Weeeeeee, but we know what he means. Last night he proudly recited the alphabet with a little help from Daddy. Daddy starts and stops and Noah chimes in when Daddy pauses with the correct letter. It has got to be the one of the sweetest sounds I have ever heard. As my previous post mentioned my craft challengedness I am also technolgy challenged. I am working on posting a video of Noah reciting his ABC's & 123's. So stay tuned.

Paint the boy RED!

As many of you know aside from scrapbooking (when I get around to it) I am somewhat "craft" challenged. I didn't want this deficit of mine to short change Noah, therefore together we have taken on the fine art of fingerpainting. On this particular day finger painting turned into "body" painting. Noah is also learning his colors (slowly but surely) as you can see we are currently learning the color RED!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What else is Noah up to???

It is amazing how quickly Noah is changing and how many new things he is doing. Noah is a few days shy of 17 months. Here are some updates: His walk is now a run complete with swinging arms or sometimes just the one arm (usually the right). Some favorite words are Hi, ballooooooon, Dy Dy (Ty Ty his buddy Tyler) ball, book, car (which he prononces with a strong Boston accent not sure where that came from) choo choo, pop pop (Grandpa Zack), pool, door, CD, and of course Mama and Dada. Some of Noah's favorite things to do are slide down the slide at the playground, swim at the pool (wonder where he got that from), play with cars and throw balls and open and close every door imagineable. One of my favorite things to watch him do is sit on a blanket or cozy area and read his books. Some of his favorites to read are "Where is baby's Button" and "Hop on Pop" and "Barnyard Dance".

Another favorite Noah trademark is that immediately upon being placed in his high chair or when he see's that it is about time to eat, he folds his hands in prayer and ends the blessing with a Aben (Amen). As a mommy my heart felts every time he thanks God with an Aben for what he has been given.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

One of the Big Boys

As Noah's summer adventures continue, this one inparticular made mommy a little nervous.
Here's Noah on his 1st trip to an amusement park. He rode the teacups and train (choo choo, as he call it) solo (no mommy). His height approved companions are still little guys themselves, but to Noah they are the Big Boys and he proudly "hangs" with them.