Wednesday, August 15, 2007

So Big!

Everyday it seems that Noah is doing something new and learning more and more. We have noticed that we need to be cautious of EVERYTHING we say since Noah now repeats EVERYTHING he hears. We have been teaching Noah some simple scriptures and biblical truths as we want to write God's word on his little heart. Some favorites he is saying or at least completing is "Love is not Rude" (Rudah) and God says "Obey" with a Happy "Heart". It is amazing how his little brain can absorb so much so quickly.

Noah has also become more adventurous during our time at the pool. He attempts to jump in the pool, but it is more like a squat and then a lean toward me. He comes to the end holds up is hand and counts 1,2 Free or Wee or Three whatever he decides at that moment. He is so proud of himself giving himself a big clap.