Sunday, August 10, 2008

Favorites these Days!

Everyday it seems like Noah does something or says something that I think to myself "I need to write that down, I should blog about that" Well here is my attempt to remember some recent events, quotes and Noah's favorites.

Noah prayers everyday before naptime and bed. His new routine is to make sure his head is bowed and eyes are closed and he always starts with "Father Thank - you for Mommy & Daddy who take care of me", yesterday he added "Thank - you for Aunt Elana who travels all over" - both true and both completely not prompted by Phillip or I.

Noah loves to save money (change he finds most anywhere) he says he is saving for Snow Combs (cones) at the beach and for Jesus. The beach has been all the talk these days since we leave in a few days. Noah tells us he dreams about sand castles, snow combs, the pool and sleeping in the big bed. Although I have told him many times we are bringing his pac n play.

Some favorites these days are...

Book - The Three Wolves and the Big Bad Pig
Food - Heart Cereal, PB & J, Chik-Fil-A
Toys - Lego, Cars
Games - Building Towers with Legos and knocking them down
Pass-times - Dancing, singing, playing any kind of sport - soccer and football
Werid thing - carrying around 2 rubber snakes that he got as prizes from swim school
Special Treat - Cookies at the big store (Publix) or cookies from Papa
Other stuff - playing under the sheets on the big bed aka the tent, going to any pool and playing with his dive sticks and pool toys
Color - Orange or green
Number - Seven
Craft - Using stencils and pencils

Overall Noah continues to be such a joy and have such a Happy Heart! Even when he is disobeying he comes around quickly finding his Happy Heart, putting on his listening ears really tight and putting on his thinking cap before he makes a choice that he knows will make Mommy, Daddy and God very sad! It is amazing to see him use his "isolation time" aka time-out to get calm and self-control as well as pray for forgiveness and help from God!