Maybe it's my STRONG desire to move to HHI SC that I have "brainwashed" Noah so well that all he asked to be a life guard or a surfer dude this Halloween. He got his request. He went from party to party with his surf board and exchanged shells that he found on the beach this summer for candy and Halloween treats! He had a blast we started the day at Casper's Castle in the morning where he, Tyler and Logan played games, jumped in the bouncy castle (that collapsed on them) no injuries just some nervous moms. After nap Noah got dressed in his costume and enjoyed some pizza and games at our neighborhood party and then off to Trunk or Treat at Cumberland Community Church. What fun! Of course Noah's favorite activity is dancing so the live band was all the craze for him. With all the treats and stimulation tonight's dancing was more like running in a million circles. We headed back to our neighborhood for a "bonfire" and smores at Ms Kellie's. Noah was crashing by then so Mommy got to chat with the adults for awhile and Daddy put Noah down for bed. After a packed day of parties, junk food and candy, Noah was so well behaved and still talks about his costume and his buddies costumes and how Ty was a baseball player and Logan was an Auburn Football player and Westray was a train conductor. I am amazed with all the details he remembers!
Recent Memorable Moments
Noah must answer us with "Yes Mommy or Yes Daddy" he is not allowed to say "huh, what, or ok", when we give a direction or call his name. Yesterday Noah asked me a question I answered ok. He said "you mean yes Noah".
When Noah acts like he is in charge I say "who is in charge" He responds "Jesus" or "I say how old are you", he says "2 1/2" I say how old is Mommy he says "36". I reply "36 trumps 2 1/2" He has no idea what I am mean by that but hearing him say I am 36 just cracks me up for some reason.
I am amazed that everyday he learns so much and can talk and talk and talk. He comes up with questions out of no where.
This morning he woke up talking to himself asking (we can hear him on the monitor) "Daddy what do turtles eat" over and over. Was he dreaming about turtles? I wonder!
We will see what he comes up with tom'w
1 comment:
He is so grown up! I can't believe he is 2 1/2! Love all the pictures and the stories are great!
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