No it is not Twinkle Twinkle, Itsy Bitsy Spider, ABC, Jesus Loves me, or The wheels on the bus".
For those that go to Cumberland, It is... track 6 "Rescue" on the worship CD. I don't even know the artist, as far as Noah is concerned, It is Mrs. Sullivan aka Megan. It surprises me since it is a slower song, but he specifically says "Mrs Sullivan, slow song!" The moment we get in the car. I remind him how to ask. Then he responds. "Mommy may I please listen to slow song Mrs Sullivan? and answers himself quickly yes you may!" I am constantly reminding him that Mommy and Daddy answer and decide not him.
I have to smile since it is a beautiful song about how God's grace and love captures and rescues us and that nothing, no one or anywhere can compare.
This afternoon Noah played with his neighbors the "BIG" kids Faith and Mason who are 9 and 6. He had a blast and keeps up with them like a pro. I came in to make dinner and when Phillip brought him in after some more playing, he turned to me and said "He is a real kid" It's like he went from infant and skipped being a toddler and is now a little boy.
He is a BLESSING and JOY every moment even when he disobeys!
Here is a pic of a new "Big boy swing trick"