We have thoroughly enjoyed the weather the last few days. Noah is really gearing up for summer and will have had 3 swim lessons this week. After swim class this week we have detoured to a playground before heading home for nap and lunch.
The afternoons are great! Noah has been napping much better falling asleep around 2 and sleeping until 4:30. With this amazing weather we head back outside and before we realize it it is 8pm. I love this time of year when it starts to stay light outside later and later. My prayers for neighbors with kids (THAT COME OUTSIDE) has been answered and either our front lawn or the playground is jumping with kids ranging from 2-12. So fun!!!
Today at swim Noah floated on his back the length of the pool (by himself)!! His new mantra is "floating is easy" (he really doesn't believe it or act like it, but the more he says it the more it seems like he believes it and will hopefully act it).
Tom'w Daddy will be home to spend time QT with us. Grammy is driving down from Asheville as well so Phillip and I can spend some QT together and celebrate my B-Day!
You'll have to research further to figure out what B-Day it is this year.
A brief update on my headaches: Chronic pain remains, but has improved to sometimes just "discomfort", Emotionally & Spiritually I feel very hopeful and encouraged and have I am thankful for my family, my friends, my Great and Awesome Heavenly Father who loves me!