This weekend Noah attended his first Braves Game "beeball". What fun! We had such a blast. Noah clapped, cheered and did the Tomahawk Chop as if he had been going all season long. The past few weeks Noah has enjoyed getting into a routine. We are at church Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Noah starts saying church! church!, as we drive into the parking lot. He loves his "teachers" and is soaking up everything like a sponge. God is "Great", God made the "World", I trust in Your "Word", Don't be "wise" in your own "eyes" are some new scriptures and biblical truths that Noah has learned. His bedtime prayers no longer require as much prompting, he is always sure to give thanks to some of his buddies, Grammy, pop pops, Aunt Elana, Grandma, Mommy & Daddy and currently his buddy Tyler gets several shout-outs. It is so sweet to see and I continue to be amazed by how quickly he learns. We are gearing up for Wednesday when Noah and I head to NY (without Daddy) to visit Aunt Elana and see other family and friends.I am sure we will have many adventures to share after our trip to the Big Apple.