It is amazing how quickly Noah is changing and how many new things he is doing. Noah is a few days shy of 17 months. Here are some updates: His walk is now a run complete with swinging arms or sometimes just the one arm (usually the right). Some favorite words are Hi, ballooooooon, Dy Dy (Ty Ty his buddy Tyler) ball, book, car (which he prononces with a strong Boston accent not sure where that came from) choo choo, pop pop (Grandpa Zack), pool, door, CD, and of course Mama and Dada. Some of Noah's favorite things to do are slide down the slide at the playground, swim at the pool (wonder where he got that from), play with cars and throw balls and open and close every door imagineable. One of my favorite things to watch him do is sit on a blanket or cozy area and read his books. Some of his favorites to read are "Where is baby's Button" and "Hop on Pop" and "Barnyard Dance".
Another favorite Noah trademark is that immediately upon being placed in his high chair or when he see's that it is about time to eat, he folds his hands in prayer and ends the blessing with a Aben (Amen). As a mommy my heart felts every time he thanks God with an Aben for what he has been given.