Noah and I flew to NY on Wednesday and spent the weekend at Aunt Elana's. From start to finish our NY Adventure was such a blessing. We prayed for an uneventful flight and smooth navigating through 2 busy airports. Our prayers were answered. We even had an empty seat next to us, both ways. What a Praise! Noah and I certainly welcomed the extra leg room. Noah loved visiting with Aunt Elana and Super Hero Craig and they were terrific hosts. Noah was truly spoiled. We got to hang out with Aunt Stacy, Lauren and baby Charlie. Noah visited his great Aunt and Uncle as well as his Pop pop Pop (Great Grandpa Sol). Aunt Jodi, cousin Paula and cousins Beverly and Jerry were also among the many relatives that Noah and I visited with. Noah spent a day at the Zoo and toured Park Slope, Prospect Park and the Farmers Market. With all the sights it seemed that Noah's favorites were dancing with the "Duck" that cousins Paula and Beverly brought him and playing soccer with his Aunts at Prospect Park.