Monday, April 21, 2008

Picnic and Play on a Beautiful Sunday!

Here Eli and Noah are watching the big attraction the choo choo train and praying before diving into some PB&J

In celebration of such a beautiful weekend, Noah and several of his friends took advantage of the great weather and playground by spending the afternoon at the church playing and picnicking. Here are some great shots that Eli's Dad (Mr Eliason) took of the boys.

Pretty in Pink!

This weekend we helped celebrate our favorite princess's 1st Birthday party. All the Harper's including the men went with the princess theme wearing their princess colors. All the Harper men are handsome to begin with, but they are even extra handsome in their pink.


This weekend we enjoyed some amazing weather and some QT with our buddies.
While Tyler's mom and I provided a much needed service (a yardsale - you know what they say your trash is someone else's treasure), Noah and Tyler got to spend time playing football, doing "yardwork", playing trains, kitchen, watching " Miss Patty Cake" and laughing, lots of laughing.
I love that Noah has friends that he talks about, see's often and looks forward to playing with. He will continue well after the playdate is over talking about his friend what they did and their Mommy. I am so grateful that I love his friends and their Mommies and that he does too.