Since I am working Monday and Tuesday evenings I am not home for dinner and bedtime routine. Although I know its good for Noah to have that QT with his Dad and for me to maintain my counseling skills as well as contribute to our families income, I miss my boys terribly. When I get home I usually ask for a play by play from Phillip as to what Noah played, did he go outside, what did he eat for dinner, who did he pray for, what books did he choose, etc etc etc. Tonight Phillip told me that Noah prayed for Joshua. I said oh Joshua (Diane H's son). Phillip said no Joshua who got a new potty. To laugh at this you have to know the book "Once Upon a Potty" where a little boy named Joshua gets a potty from his Grandma.
How sweet, Noah is praying for characters in some of his favortie books. Now my prayer is that he will use his Potty just like the little boy Joshua does in the book.