Phillip found this festival last weekend. I think Noah had the most fun out of the family. Chomp & Stomp is Chomp (Chili Cook-0ff) and Stomp is (blue grass music). Your ticket is a spoon and you walk around to literally hundreds of tents to taste the chili. Of course after 10 or so they all taste the same and you are ready for some pepto. The music as always is Noah's favorite part - he dances and dances and runs in circles never seeming to tire. Of course the festival included a playground including a rope swing. (I AM ABOUT TO BRAG) The AJC Access Atlanta asked to shoot Noah for their article on the event saying "he is so cute he will definite be on Access Atlanta's site" and he was. Go to my facebook page and there is the link or you can search accessatlanta.com. Of course the AJC photographer's pictures or picture I should say is amazing. One shot and she gets an awesome picture meanwhile I take about 30 to get one good one! So here are some of mine. Yes he is swinging on a rope swing like all the big kids did! If any of his grandparents were there they wouldn't have been able to look!
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