Monday, May 26, 2008

Grammy & Aunt Elana Come to Visit

We have had a lot going on this last week and this Memorial Day weekend, but I am finding a minute early this morning to catch up. Last weekend Grammy and Aunt Elana came to visit. It seemed like days before Noah stopped asking where they were each morning after they had left.
While they were here we enjoyed the great weather we have been having in Hotlanta and took long walks, went to a big kid playground & spent the evening dancing! Yes dancing! Whether in our living room or at a local outdoor concert Noah is a dancing machine and especially so when there is live music. Last Saturday when out a local event with a band and other family friendly "stuff" the sweetest moment for Mommy was when Noah was in line to get a balloon sculpture. The boys in front of him were asking for things like motorcyles, swords and guns. When Noah got to the front of the line he looked up at the nice man and said "Can I have a heart?". What make it even sweeter is for whatever reason when Noah says the word heart it is said with a very strong southern twang.
Noah has certainly had his moments these past few days of disobedience and using that dreadful word "No" over & over & over! But when his "happy heart" is lost he is doing a good job and getting it together and finding it...

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