I have entered the world of Facebook and it is becoming a bit addicting. I don't want to neglect my blog and the adventures or Noah.
Today I have to admit was ROUGH! Ever turn Noah was whining and saying NO! and when I discplined him he immediately whined "DADDY!". He had several corrections throughout the day which is just exhausting. As soon as Phillip pulled up I "handed him" over.
We did have a great day this past Saturday enjoying the beautiful weather. We went to the choo choo with the slide at the Square Noah loves it and it was nice enough to pack our lunch. Noah brought his soccer ball and was great about sharing it... We work on sharing everyday so this is a huge improvement.
Noah has picked up the concept of "toe jam" it is hysterical yet a little gross at the same time. Every am and most diapers changes he will hold up his foot and say "clean my toe jams please". I think he likes the feeling of the cool wipe on his sweaty boy feet!
Noah's prayers at night have continued to become more meaningful as he understands that Mommy has a boo boo on her head and that along with us he has several friends that are praying for a little bro/sis. But without fail when he prays for his Papa he prays and thanks God for cookies too. These days they go together. And he certainly can't pray for 1 Aunt or cousin without praying for them all. It is precious. He also has a new toddler devotional book and he asks for it every morning and every bedtime. He points to it and says "that deboationals" of something like that.
Today we spent a lot of time at one of our favorite playgrounds and had a picnic. Any time to eat is a favorite of Noah's but a picnic is VERY special. After napping over at a friends we arrived home and had fun with our neighbors playing a combination of football, soccer, races and catch.
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