I am so grateful for my amazing life and family. In anticipation of a full house for Thanksgiving I have been praising God and thanking Him for my life, my home and my health, yes even now... I have NEVER mentioned in my blog that I have been struggling with a strange "head pain" since April 07. I want to read this years from now and have it to remember how I much I love being Noah's mom and Phillip's wife and how God has poured blessing after blessing on to us, not this pain. I have had a few days recently where I have been in such a pitty pot and so frustrated. After many Drs,tests, alternative treatments and several medications the pain remains. I have been told by 5 Drs that I am completely healthy there is nothing wrong. Needless to say the pain remains. How frustrating! How confusing! I have known since the pain started that God is telling me to Glorify Him in all things including this. This is hard when you are in pain.
As we are cleaning house, buying groceries and teaching Noah about Thanksgiving in preparation for this Holiday, I have been reminded again how much we have, how much I am loved and how much love I have to pour into my family. I am so thankful that nothing has ever been found to be wrong medically. I am thankful that I have amazing friends who pray for me and my family, who encourage me, who call me after Dr appts, who have sought God in prayer specifically for healing and that they pray without ceasing. I am NOT thankful for this pain, but I am thankful that I have faith in the Greatest healer, comforter, counselor and friend. The Lord Jesus Christ!
Okay, enough preaching and on to Noah...
Wow! He is truly amazing. How does he know a color, from shape, number or letter. How does he remember a bible verse after only hearing a few times and lyrics to songs after hearing it a handful of times. He truly is a sponge. Noah continues to repeat EVERY word he hears and then he soon incorporates that word into his ever growing vocabulary.
Some favorites these days:
Words :
snack, lunch, buddy, football, baseball, street, fire engine, cookie, Aunt Elana, Jesus, church, bicycle, crescent (as in the shape of the moon, not another food),leaf, crayon, craft
Friends/People: (these are the names he repeats several times a day, if you are not on the list, don't feel left out - Phillip and I aren't either)
Mrs Pinson, Ty, Eli, Baby Maddy, Russell, Aunt Elana, Uncle Ray, Mason, Faith, Mrs Sullivan, Matthew
Teacher: Mrs Overstreet
Singer: Mrs Sullivan
Things to do/play: Soccer, catch, running races, dance party, reading, color, trains, counting everything, naming everything he sees, storytime at Borders or the library, going to big church to hear the instruments and Mrs Sullivan, giving and receiving hugs & kisses
Songs: I've decided to follow Jesus, ABC's
Books: Brown Bear, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, 10 Little Ladybugs, God Gave us You
Letters: A,B,N,O,H,P,S, V
Food: Applesauce, Heart Cereal, Bananas, Ketchup, any fruit
As for dislikes the only big ones these days are vegetables and sharing. I am okay with the vegetables for know, it's the sharing that we are working on
Happy Thanksgiving!
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