Okay. I thought I better write out Thanksgiving Adventure before Christmas!
This year I was determined to DRIVE to 1st Massachusetts and than New York and most of all take Noah to the Thanksgiving Day parade. Praise God the LONG road trip was uneventful. But this adopted Southern was not used to how cold it is up North. I can't believe I spent 4 years of college in Western Massachusetts (loved it) but don't remember HATING the cold! Aside from that we enjoyed our time so dearly with our family. Our amazing hosts Kate and Joanie and Noah's favorite playmate his cousin Liam. What a blessing watching them do EVERYTHING together, playtime, mealtime, bath time, cuddle time. One of the most precious moments was the boys catching snowflakes on their tongues, Noah looks to Liam (his big cousin) holding his hand and says "Your my best friend".
During our time in MA we got to visit with my special friend Terri that I hadn't seem since my wedding 6 years ago. It took Noah awhile but soon they were fast friends and Terri was just a natural with Noah. He still talks about meeting Mommy's friend Ms Terri.
Noah and I spent a morning at the Yankee Candle Factory! It is a winter wonderland with everything from Snow, toys, Santa, Cafes, housewares and of course candles in EVERY scent imaginable. Noah's favorite there were the countless Choo Choo trains either around the countless Christmas Tree's or high above his head.
We all packed up and drove to NY to stay at Aunt Elana's. It was truly a slumber party with 8 of us sleeping at her apartment. We spent special time with Grammy, Aunt Joanie and Kate, Liam, Aunt Elana & Aunt Jodi and a visit from cousins Beverly, Jerry and Debbie.
The big day arrived as each family member backed out (I think the cold and early start time would scare anyone off), Noah, Phillip and I layered up took Noah's 1st NY Subway ride to Broadway and 41st street and claimed our spot at The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Hours later the parade started. Phillips shoulders & back aching from holding Noah and my toes frozen didn't matter. The look on Noah's face as each Balloon, Band and float passed is all that mattered. Aunt Elana met up with us and we venture to Toy R us in Time Square. 4 levels, glass elevator and of course and Ferris Wheel inside why would you expect anything less. We braved the cold and walked to Bryant Park to see the Christmas Decorations and watch the ice skaters.
Ready for Thanksgiving Dinner and a warm house Noah got to take the Long Island Rail Road complete with meeting the "conductor" or guy you clicks the tix to Aunt Linda & Uncle Bob's where the house was full of our immediate and extended family and most important Noah's Great Grandpa Sol. How amazing that he gets to spend time with his "POP POP POP". Noah's favorite on his T-Day dinner plate was crackers. Interesting choice but not strange for our on and off eater. You never know!
The following Saturday we made the long but thankfully uneventful drive back to our home. Grateful for a safe trip but more grateful for the time we spent with our family and for the opportunity to take Noah to the parade.