I want to remember all of the sweet & funny things that Noah says and does. Everyday I try and remind myself to jot down what he says and does so here is my attempt at some recent favorites.
Last week Noah called me Cara (he is not allowed to do that). We went over again how I am Mommy and that his friends call me Mrs Harper. He now once and awhile especially when I am his teacher at our little school or church calls me Mrs Harper.
He is able to tell me who calls him what nickname he says "Papa call me noodle doodle strudel, Aunt Elana calls me Noni and Tyler call me Noah Boah". He prays for his friends who's Mommy's have babies in their tummies and prays for his baby sister. I pray that God has told him something that Phillip and I don't know yet.
He loves going to the any playground, playing soccer, baseball, and a combo of hockey and softball where he hits his baseballs with hockey sticks.
He loves Chik-Fil-A and MOE'S, strawberries, grapes, string cheese & goldfish and thinks that going to a restaurant is the greatest thing in the world (although I think we have taken him a bit to often).
2 months after our trip to HHI he still is talking about the beach, the dancing, his favorite singer on HII Shannon Taylor, swimming at the pool and playing with his family.
We are headed for another road trip in November different scenery, different climate but we know it will just as fun - We are going to Massachusetts and NY and I have been talking about the Macy's Thanksgiving day Parade. I can't wait to see his face!
When everything I have been explaining to him comes to life.
Favorites as of Friday Oct 17th 2008:
Reading anything by Dr Seuss
Swinging on swings at any playground
Playing cars
Brainy baby shapes Video
Favorite #'s 4 & 7
Favorite color Blue (last time it was green and orange)
Favorite Book - School's Out (unfortunately Phillip and I find this one quit boring)
Movies - He watches select scenes for Cars and Finding Nemo
Food - Strawberries
Toy - Cars/Fire Trucks
Song - Wheels on the bus
A funny conversation after a day of Noah saying why?
Noah "Why" or "No"
Mommy "Noah whenever you feel the urge to say either the words why or no stop yourself and say the words Yes Mommy"
Noah "Yes Mommy".
I am so grateful to home with Noah to share with him all the fun things and the tough days. But I would NEVER say our 2 1/2 year old has had anything close the the terrible twos.
Or big adventure after Thanksgiving is.... You guessed it POTTY TRAINING! All tips welcome