Monday, December 24, 2007
Have you ever?
This is literally a commercial break from "The Adventures of Noah" for what else but a "commercial". Have you ever thought about inventing something, had a great idea only to find out that someone beat you to it and has your vision packaged and in the stores... Well our dear friends the Boyd's had a great idea and went the full course with their invention. Ray Boyd is now not only great husband and father of two, but founder & ceo of The Original Bath Bib. Please check-out their website at or call them toll free at 1-877-334-2229. This is a must have for expecting moms, shower gifts and parents with little ones.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Jingle Bells

This week Noah was in another Christmas Performance. At the end of my MOPS meeting the kiddos were brought in to sing "Away in a Manager" and "Jingle Bells". Noah hasn't stopped singing "Jingle Bells" since. Sometimes I catch him singing "Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle Uncle Ray (Phillip's brother)" (instead of all the way). It is hysterical!!
Time with his buddy!
Friday, December 14, 2007
He performs too!

I had no idea Noah was such a performer. On Thursday's we have been going to church for a Women's bible study and Noah goes to his class. He loves everything about it, seeing his friends, his teacher, singing, playing and learning bible verses. Yesterday was the grand finale! The women had a festive lunch and then the kiddos came in for a performance. Noah sang almost every word and did the hand motions. It was so sweet. Stay tuned for a posting of the video!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
He Flips!

I bought this blue rocking thing at a yard sale for $3 over the summer. It is missing it's accessorizes and has NO bells or whistles, yet Noah loves it. We have had to limit his use of it to the grassy only. It seems as if is on the driveway of sidewalk he can get his momentum going and has done a complete flip. Noah thinks it is hysterical. The faster and higher the better. Here he is getting pushed and "held" high by Uncle Ray.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
A Date with Mommy

Phillip had to go to work after church today. Normally, Noah and I would head home, I'd give him lunch and he'd take a nap. Today in route back to the house I decided that it was a BEAUTIFUL afternoon for a date with Mommy (for those living outside of the Atlanta area it is mid 70's and sunny). We walked around some shops and went out for brunch (those following my Maker's Diet progress or lack of :) I was very disciplined). Noah continues to amaze me, tired, ready for nap and hungry, he waited for our table and made very polite conversation with Mommy and our waitress. I love that little guy so much and feel so blessed to truly enjoy him.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Consider this your Christmas Card!

Consider this your Christmas Card, Hanukah Card, Holiday Card, etc.
The past few months I have been challenged through several means (messages at Church, guest speakers at my MOPS meetings, bible study and prayer) to simplify things this season and be ON MISSION. Phillip and I discussed how we would spend our time and money this time of year and what changes we could make in order to have more of these resources. Growing up I didn't have a Christmas Tree, so over the past few years I have gone somewhat overboard with 3 Christmas Trees and the ornaments and lights to decorate them all. This year we reduced our decorating, we discussed drastically reducing our gift buying and among other changes, we are not mailing out cards. Don't get me wrong I certainly enjoy sending and receiving cards this time of year, picking out the best picture, thinking and praying for each family as we address the envelope and buying the seasonal stamps, but in our attempts to simplify these things made the most sense.
We have decided that our extra resources this season will go towards spreading joy and being ON MISSION. Some things we are doing: praying as a family for each family that we receive a card from (so don't leave us off your list), knocking on our neighbors doors handing out treats, leaving something extra for our mail carrier, paying for the car behind us the drive thru and spending time with people we love.
I have heard of many other wonderful ideas that help us focus on the "reason for the season" +pay for someone else's gas at the pump
+rake a neighbors yard
+hang a "Jesus stocking" and write down everything you do for others between now and Christmas and put it in the stocking
+ Bake a Birthday Cake for Jesus
This time of year the Harper's celebrate 2 miracles: Hanukah the Festival of Lights celebrating the miracle of oil lasting for 8 nights and commemorating the Maccabees's recapturing the temple from Syrian Rule and the greatest miracle of all the birth of Our Savior. Be a miracle to someone else this season by simplifying things so you can focus on "gifts" for others in celebration of the greatest Gift that has been given to us.
We wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah!
Peace, Joy & Blessings in the New Year
With Love,
The Harper's
Priceless Shot!
Delivering Some Christmas Joy!

This afternoon after Noah's nap we finished making some "Hot Chocolate Cones" (our homemade gift for the season). We put on our "Santa Suits" and walked around the neighborhood delivering them to our neighbors. Noah loves to knock on doors, so we have to remind him that 1-2x is enough and we need to wait to see if anyone answers. After one neighbor invited us in, each house we visited after that Noah walked in whether we were invited our not. I don't think anyone minded too much. Noah reached into his basket and said "Merry Christmas, Hot Chocolate Cone". Of course the speech wasn't as clear as it reads, but hearing him say it was certainly priceless.
Santa Claus is coming to town!

This morning we took Noah to see Santa. We had been talking about Santa and pointing out "other" Santa's to prepare him. I don't think you can really prepare a toddler to sit on the lap of a strange man with a beard, but we tried.
Last year Noah went to Santa right away and we got some great pictures, he is much to smart for that now. Of course as we were leaving the "North Pole" Noah was saying Santa, Santa's house. Too late buddy you had your turn.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Happy Chanukah!
Snow Day in the Big Apple!

Controlled Chaos!

Last Friday we had a house full of moms and kiddos over to make some homemade Holiday Gifts. What fun and what a mess. I don't think Noah has had more than 3 friends over at a time since his 1st Birthday Party. He was not to pleased with all the kids playing with his toys and moving his toys around. Noah is a lot like Mommy, everything has a place, everything in its place. Needless to say he was stuggling to share while being very overstimulated. But we would do it again tom'w. I didn't get very many pictures and got none of Noah! Here is one of Noah's buddies helping in the kitchen!
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